Well-Governed Gas Consumer Association in Ontario & Quebec
Industrial Gas Users Association, also known as l’Association des consommateurs industriels de gaz, represents approximately twenty of Ontario and Quebec's highly reputed industrial gas users. Our experienced team of lawyers and analysts maintains a strong network with peers and utility executives to offer you prompt and remarkable service.
How We Help
• Effective regulatory representation at the Régie de l’énergie, Ontario Energy Board and Canadian Energy Regulator.
• Targeted provincial and federal advocacy on energy and climate policy matters.
• Training and timely intelligence on upcoming natural gas regulatory and policy changes.

Top Notch and effective Regulatory representation
IGUA is the sole voice advocating the interest of large gas consumers at the Régie, Ontario Energy Board and Canada Energy Regulator among a sea of 10-30 other intervenors representing environmental, residential, commercial, and institutional interests. IGUA membership “leverages” the money your company spends with those of other large users in addressing issues of concern to you. Additionally, regulatory “Cost Awards”, not available to private companies, reduce the cost of IGUA’s intervention work. Absent IGUA’s cost effective regulatory intervention regulators would set rates without consideration for the impact on large users.
Since 1973, IGUA’s effective regulatory interventions and policy advocacy have generated significant and real cost savings for industrial gas users in Ontario and Quebec.
